So it Begins
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten journey. It is a time for self evaluation. “Have I been faithful? Have I served God and my neighbors with my whole heart, soul, and mind? Do I need to make changes in my life so that I am a better disciple?” These are the kind of questions we might ask ourselves as we make the long trek to Jerusalem and to the cross. There are many ways to approach Lent. Some deprive themselves of luxuries that normally distract people from Christ that they may focus intently. Some add things to their lives that are positive and hopeful. Some are intentional in doing acts of service for others throughout Lent. Some dive deep into study and prayer. All of these acts are ways to prepare us for the great and gracious sacrifice that Christ made for each and every one of us, and the resurrection celebration of Easter Sunday. I am not sure what your Lenten practice may be, but I do encourage you to find some way to prepare your hearts and minds. I’d like to suggest two. The community Lenten Luncheons will begin March 12th at 12:00 and go through April 9th. This year Kingstree Presbyterian Church is the host and we provide the message and the meal on the 12th. Please join us often as we center ourselves on God’s word and good community conversation. Also, I mentioned this Sunday during the sermon, and I was not kidding! During the season of Lent consider taking a deep dive and read the Gospel of Luke from beginning to the end. Everyone who has done this through the Tuesday morning Bible Study has said it was an eye-opening experience.
And now, changing the subject, I want to send a special shout out to Alice Kellahan. You may not realize this, however, each time we have Communion and enjoy that fresh, yummy bread, it is because it is made with love by Alice. Thank you so much Alice!
Peace to You,
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